The Italians may just be the most passionate people on the planet

The Italians may just be the most passionate people on the planet

Viva l’Italia, or hooray for italy if you may, is not just an Italian saying – it’s a way of living.

Every single corporation wants to increase their margins, even at the expense of our well-being. Companies are shipping food to the Europe and the West like never before. Just take a look at the video below and you will see what we are talking about.

The food we are consuming is simply becoming less and less nutritious, and it’s not too likely we will see any break in this pattern anytime soon. Just take a look at the United States, the obesity rate is higher than it has ever been in history.


We are being marketed our brains off in any direction we look. The food is packaged in lovely art-directed designs, psychologically strategized just to induce a zombie-like behavior in us consumers.

Nobody seems to care, and we are doomed if we don’t come together soon enough.


What does all this have to do with passionate Italians?

Before we answer that question, take a good look at the image below.


This is Giuseppe di Cogne. An Italian chef since 1968.

On your first trip to Italy, you will notice something very different than you are used to. Everything, and we mean EVERYTHING, is executed with great passion. The Italians don’t seem to work for money, they seem to actually love what they do. No matter if it’s a pizza baker or a fruit salesman, you will always see the passion in their eyes. They just seem to enjoy life and be at ease with the world.

If this is not a good reason to visit Italy, then maybe it’s the wrong destination for you to consider. However, we recommend every human being to spend a week in Italy and notice how your values and core beliefs transform after just a few days, to the better of course.

About the author

About the author

I am Giuseppe. I love my Italia and I love traveling. Hey, did I mention I love writing too?

How to prepare for a perfect vacation

How to prepare for a perfect vacation

Going on vacation is something that everyone looks forward to throughout the year. However, vacationing can often be a hassle and induce stress. Most people expect to have the perfect vacation spontaneously. You think that all you need to do is book a flight, hotel, and a car, pack your swimsuit and wallet and bring your tickets and passport. However, once your vacation begins, you are bound to discover that there is a lot more you should have done to prepare better.

And then, next year, you just do the same thing all over again. It happens. We get overwhelmed by work and our daily lives, on one side, and on another, vacationing is supposed to be a time for relaxation, not a time for planning and preparing. And that’s correct. You do not plan your vacation during your vacation – you plan beforehand. As soon as you choose your destination, you should do basic preparation. For example, if you decide to vacation in Italy, you should research the area where you are going, try to learn some Italian, or at least familiarize yourself with some basic phrases, and print out a map of the city. You might scoff, and say, that’s what apps are for, but most travel apps need the internet to work. So, you can pay for roaming data, or go back to basics and print out a map.

Plan months ahead

You do not need a lot of time to plan your perfect vacation, but you should consider planning at least three to five months ahead. It will give you the opportunities to settle some things that will make your vacationing easier. First, you can clear your vacation time with your boss. Otherwise, you might pay for your flight and the hotel, and then discover that you need to be back several days early because of an important meeting, for example. But, if you go to your boss and ask them for the optimal dates for your vacation, you will be able to plan in peace. Then, you can consider booking your flight and hotel, by yourself, or you can get a package from a traveling agency. Moreover, if you search the internet, you might find deals and coupons that will lower the cost of your vacation. Today, you can find bonus coupons for many different things. For example, you can visit Stargames and get online casino bonuses.

Work deadlines and packing

Many people think that they need to clear their desk – finish all of their projects at work before leaving for vacation. However, this can have an adverse effect on you and make it impossible for you to relax for days after your vacation has already begun. Moreover, just because you clean your desk before you go on vacation, it does not mean that there would not be a lot of work once you return. Even if you do not have a lot of work, it will seem like you do, because you will need time to adjust to being back at work.

In that case, it is better to take care of the projects that cannot wait – and finish the other projects when you get back. It will give you two different benefits. First, while you are on vacation, your subconscious mind can work on the projects (although, you will need to prevent yourself from stressing over them while you are vacationing), and they can be the perfect way to ease yourself back into work. The second benefit is that they will not stress you or take up your time before leaving for vacation, which will give you more than enough free time to pack.

Give yourself time to pack

When it comes to packing, you need to mind your essentials – but also have backup plans for unforeseen situations. For example, take an extra book and add a playlist or audiobook to your smartphone – that way, if your flight is delayed, you will have something to do to pass the time without stressing over. Also, remember that you do not need all of the clothes you own, but just enough to get through your vacation. Two or three weeks away do not merit two huge suitcases. One would be sufficient if you pack correctly and plan ahead at how many outfits you will need. Additionally, just because you are on vacation, it does not mean that you should not mind your health. Make sure to pack some essentials like aspirin just in case.

Disconnect from your email

Remember at all times that you will be on vacation. That means your laptop will remain at home and your smartphone preferably off the internet. You can view your emails in your downtime during the morning or evening, but avoid looking at your emails as soon as you get them. It’s not just about being physically away from work, because if you are unable to disconnect your mind, you will not be able to relax. That means avoiding talking about work during your vacation, and worse – send back emails to work.

However, if there is an actual emergency that demands your attention, you should, of course, send an email back. If you don’t, you will only stress over what might be happening at work while you are gone, and stressing over whether your colleagues would handle the problem on their own. Typing a quick email with short instructions will make it easier for you to relax afterward without worrying. Just make sure that you don’t take this approach to minor issues for which you are certainly going to get contacted.

Allow for spontaneous activities

You should plan your vacation activities, of course, and include all of the places that you wish to visit. However, you should allow for spontaneous activities as well, why not a simple camper hire? Nothing makes a vacation more enjoyable and relaxing than activities and opportunities that you did not plan for. On the other hand, you might miss out on all that fun if you have a list of activities for every day, morning to evening. So, plan your actual day-to-day activities very broadly to allow for unexpected events and activities. That way, you will both get to do everything you wanted to do while on vacation and have fantastic fun at the same time. In the end, the best vacation is always the most relaxing one and having a list of activities that you feel you must do during the day might prevent that.

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